Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long term: I trust in.

Long term.

This is one of the key point of the investing attitude that will characterize all this blog’s posts.

When I will indicate the name of a company or a fund, it will always be with a long term vision because for me the picture of the past, that you can easily read on balance sheets, cash flows and income statements, it is just one of the point where to look in order to find the “winning horse”.

I strongly believe that if you will be able to:
-understand a business model (you have to look for your own niche of competence);
-study the niche markets you understand and look for the most powerful companies, the castles with high walls and deep moats against competitors;
-identify managers with high level of ethics;
-be able to read the annual reports and find a short list of winners with a good margins of safety;

If you'd be able to make this three steps and then strongly BELIEVE in long-term-karma: at the end the market will pay you back.
At the end, the good enterprises with great management and great foreseen, will win.

1 comment:


Sometimes thats the case but not always.