Evolution. Change. Sometimes it is more than needed.
The idea of Value Finance started as a game, but with the time the development of the original idea become complicated to represent through a simple Blog.
That is why I have decided to change, to transform the blog into a more articulate website where we could easily follow the performances of different portfolios.
Abundantia Investment Management.
That is the name of the site (you can find it at http://rainvest.wordpress.com).
Abundantia has been thought as a Wealth manager / Investment boutique where people can see and track real portfolios - with real assets under management.
You can take inspiration, ask some advices, give your opinion about some transactions and, what is more important, we will learn together to build and maintain a long term profitable portfolio!!
So, join us into this new adventure!
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Gatti del Cazzo
13 years ago
Nice blog! Love the content. Would be a pleasure to be your friend.
I am an Entrepreneur and thought you might be interested in this company. It will debut worldwide in the next few months..and here lies the big opportunity. Check it out
Unfortunately for those of you investing in stocks like Mcdonald's and Yum brands Apple computer that do lots of their business in china you can expect only mediocre investment returns over time. The really great returns in these type of stocks were made decades ago when they were small unknow companies unlike today. I have a blog where I conduct research on penny stocks and stocks below five dollars .Did you know that the shares of apple computer traded below 5 dollars a share in 1998 surprise suprise suprise yes they traded at only 4.50 cents a share in 1998 now apple computers shares trade at over 500 dollars a share hows that for a stock rallly. Now you might say oh well thats just a fluke Right. Wrong. Did you know that the shares of Laboratory Corporation of America also traded below five dollars in 1998. The stock traded at just 3.00 dollars a share in 1998 today the shares of Laboratory Corporation of America are trading at 90.00 a share. Did you know that Petsmart shares traded at just 2.00 dollars a share in the year 2000. Today their trading at 58.00 a share. The shares of Tractor Supply Traded at Are you ready 1.30 in october of 2000 Yes thats one dollar and thirty cents a share in october of 2000. Today the the shares of tractor supply are trading at are you sitting down 87 dollars a share.
These stocks are just a few examples theirs dozens of other stocks that once traded under five dollars a share that have seen enormous increases in the price of their shares but theiirs not enough time or space to list them all here. Now who still believes that all the stocks trading below five dollars are bad investments.
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